Saturday, October 3, 2015


“Wandering re-establishes the original harmony which once existed between man and the universe. ” – Anatole France

In the wandering, the most magical moments occur when strangers connect, if even for the briefest of exchanges. Yesterday while I was sitting along side a dirt road ...used primarily by local hunters it seemed....resting my worn feet, a beat up blue- toned Land Rover Defender jeep rolled to a stop. An elderly gentleman, worn face and hands, one tooth hanging from his upper gum line, rolled down a dusty window to chat.  With extremely limited Italian on my part,and no English on his,we had a grand conversation on who I was, and why I was in Italy.

As he obviously lived close to the Via Francigena road he knew a pelligrini when he saw one, but seemed much more intent to believe that, really,  I had to be in Italy for the food. Obviously, as he motioned hand to mouth with many statements of  " Buon mangiere ", he was  quite  proud of Italian cooking.  Everyone must be here for the cooking!  

We then managed to determine where I would be sleeping that night..... How far I would walk.  Somewhere in the exchange I understood his wife was from, and children now live in, the same town I was planning to call home for the night....just outside a tiny hamlet called Stove. His snag gle grin was glorious in recognition that I would be in a town which was near and dear to his heart.

15 minutes during a three week walk...a brief moment in time. 15 minutes to share, warm human connections.  How I wish I had his photo.  He is, however, an emblem on my heart for that day!

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