Today, I walked among penguins!
Over 18,000 penguins inhabit a private island reserve off of Estancia Harberton in Tierra del Fuego, southern Argentina. Home to three species of penguin, 18,000 Magellanic, 70 Gentu and four misplaced King penguins, Matillo Island echoes with their chatter October through March when they settle in to create a new generation.
Magellanic and Gentu thrive in these warmer than Antarctic waters of Beagle Channel. The four Kings have shown up one at a time over approximately 8 years. An Antarctic bird by nature, how and why the Kings decided to make this island home even the local penguin experts cannot answer. But, here they are, thriving quite nicely along with their counterparts, although no mating rituals or babes have been
My visit in late February saw the males preparing nests for the coming fall. Nests will be readied underground for the Magellanic;above ground for the Gentu. In both cases the males construct a nest they will return to the following October and use in their courting rituals.
A fat,sassy male with a homey, well constructed nest
definitely has the female heads turning. The fatter the male
the more seal fat he has consumed, and,in the female's eyes,
definitely has the female heads turning. The fatter the male
the more seal fat he has consumed, and,in the female's eyes,
the more able to care for young ones. Of course, a deeper quality in his call aids in garnering the appropriate attention to his cause!
Magellanic penguins will produce two eggs a year, and due
to the underground nesting, most will survive. Beds of twigs are used to form an underground platform, helping to protect
the eggs from possible flooding. Gentu nests, created from
beach pebbles and shell fragments, sit above ground
the eggs from possible flooding. Gentu nests, created from
beach pebbles and shell fragments, sit above ground
allowing predators a more ample snacking ground. Of their two eggs , usually only one will survive to maturity.
A local ecotour company, PiraTour, is the only agency allowed to bring guests onto the island for this remarkable
"walk among the penguins" experience. Limited to 80 guests per day,in groups of 20 each, the penguins are regarded with utmost care and consideration so as not to disturb their rituals.
IF you are ever touring this gloriously beautiful portion of planet earth, this experience is not to be missed. I will forever treasure my time with these tuxedo'd creatures.
Today, I walked among penguins!
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