“ Are you enjoying this one? Is it gelling?”
Ahhhh, there is the question, asked in precisely the specific way that triggers me to write--finally.
Is it gelling? Perhaps---at times --- not really -- at times.
Some days are blessed with incredible connections; moments when I stand with goosebumps at the profound knowledge that I am surrounded by my angels.
And then...void.
“ Now why am I here? What is this about?”
Questioning the purpose of this walk. Questioning what I am to write about; to share.
Yes, there have been miraculous moments … moments designed to let me know that
the laws of attraction are in action. Moments orchestrated with such precision it becomes impossible to question the connection between my soul and those that have moved into the next realm.
And, touching stories from other pilgrims, magic moments in their walks which validate that, in fact, this amazing ability to draw to ourselves that which we believe to be real and true can take a physical form. We can manifest.
If I were to categorize this Camino Portuguese experience right now- today- I would call it the Camino of Intention.
Each and every day I wake, stretch the aching pilgrim muscles and lay very still for a few moments consciously intending my day:
“ I am filled with gratitude that the walk today will be one of joy and peace. I know I will be safe in my travels and pilgrims I meet will add a special ‘something’ to the day. I am grateful for the time and the financial means to walk this walk, open to hearing all the Universe intends for me to learn on this day.
I am forever grateful that Sis, Jeannie and MJ are with me and make themselves known in their unique ways. Thank you!”
Now, of course every morning is not the same...there have been extremely specific intentions set forth on some mornings. The type of detailed requests of which many would say
“ Oh c’mon Kate. You cannot expect to see, hear, know the answer to that.” Yet, invariably,
Those intentions come to pass in a manner I recognize.
What I can say, is that each and every day I have been given a clear signal that I am heard. Each and every day, at moments in time that simply cannot be questioned, guidance has been given...signals have been shown.
And so, I walk each day wondering what magic moment will occur. Do I catch them all? No.
Do I catch enough? Oh Yes!
Mary, thank you for the question, at the right moment on the precise day it was needed --
Yes- it IS gelling.
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