Friday, July 1, 2016

DAWN  July 1, 2016

Persimmon blazes as the second half of 2016 stretches awake across the eastern Washington sky.

What do I hear if I close my eyes and empty my my ears and my heart
To the morning gifts?  What do I see when I am not searching for anything in particular?

~~ cobwebs glisten on shrubs welcoming daylight, casting diamonds into the morning light
~~ Chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi- chiiiiiiiii…..automatic sprinklers rain - blades of grass drink
~~ Burlington Northern crosses the valley whistling through a sleeping country town
~~ doves sing from the pines above the rooftop
~~ ding…..the coffee pot calls to me through an open door
~~ Mamma and Papa quail lead their brood of nine across the lawn, pausing as they catch    me watching
~~ the trill of morning birds, each singing it’s part in the post dawn chorus
~~ a car motor kicks into gear - the workday has begun
~~ hmmmmm...hmmmmmm..hmmmmm as the tank in the dining room provides needed oxygen
~~ bunny scampers from his hiding place under the hedge
~~ flit--flit…..a robin has found the freshly filled birdbath, wings tapping quickly, bringing a shower down on her back
~~ gravel crunching underfoot --a neighbor wanders out for the morning newspaper
~~ breezes blow gently...sprinkler water finds its way to my shoulders

Persimmon sky, now dissipated to the normal light of a new summer day.  
Warmth wraps the front porch where I sit, coffee cup at my side…

I am blessed in this new day -- I am grateful.

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